Benjamin Wesolowski

mathematics & cryptography
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My interests revolve around the various facets of cryptography, with a particular focus on cryptologic algorithms related to number theory and algebraic geometry. Another aspect of my work relates to randomness and the blockchain technology.


PhD Thesis (2014 - 2018), EPFL, Laboratory for Cryptologic Algorithms
Advisors: Arjen Lenstra and Robert Granger.
Thesis title: Arithmetic and geometric structures in cryptography.
Jury: Ola Svensson (chair), Andreas Enge, Pierrick Gaudry et Zsolt Patakfalvi (examiners).

Master’s degree in Mathematics, Minor in Information Security (2012 - 2014)
EPFL, thesis at the University of California, Berkeley
Thesis advisors: Kenneth Ribet and Dimitar Jetchev.
Thesis title: Walking on Isogeny Graphs of Hyperelliptic Curves of Genus 2.

Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics (2009 - 2012), EPFL

Baccalauréat Scientifique (2009), Lycée Aux Lazaristes, Lyon.


CNRS researcher, chargé de recherche (2023 - today), École normale supérieure de Lyon (ENS de Lyon), Unité de Mathématiques pures et appliquées (UMPA), France

CNRS researcher, chargé de recherche (2020 - 2022), Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux (IMB), France

Postdoc (Jan - Dec 2019), Centrum Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Cryptology Group, headed by Ronald Cramer.

Research engineer (Jul - Aug 2014), Institute for Information and Communication Technologies, HEIG-VD
Design, proof of security, and implementation in C of a new efficient pairing-based broadcast encryption scheme.

Visiting student researcher (Feb - Jun 2014), University of California, Berkeley
Study of the isogeny graphs of Jacobians of genus 2 curves, design and analysis of new algorithms for applications in hyperelliptic curve cryptography.

Teaching assistant (2010 - 2018), EPFL
Supervising student projects and exercise sessions in topology, linear algebra, C and C++ programming, advanced calculus.

Honours and Awards

Best paper award Eurocrypt 2024
For the article "SQISignHD: new dimensions in cryptography".

Top-3 paper Eurocrypt 2023
For the article "A direct key recovery attack on SIDH".

Best paper award Asiacrypt 2020
For the article "SQISign: Compact Post-Quantum signatures from Quaternions and Isogenies".

Best young researcher paper Eurocrypt 2019, Darmstadt, Germany
For the article "Efficient verifiable delay functions".

Doctoral Program Thesis Distinction 2019, EPFL
Granted to "a selection of very high quality theses" (best 8%).

Top-3 paper Eurocrypt 2017
For the article "Short Stickelberger class relations and application to Ideal-SVP".

Teaching Assistant Award 2017, EPFL

Doctoral EDIC Fellowship 2014, EPFL

Kudelski Prize 2014, Kudelski Group
"For a Master Project having significantly contributed to the field of cryptography and information systems security".

Douchet Prize 2014, EPFL
Best Master average in the Mathematics section at EPFL.

EPFL Prize 2014, EPFL
3rd (out of 872) best average mark for complete Master studies at EPFL, all sections included.

Undergraduate Awards 2013, Dublin, Ireland
Highly commended for the essay Lifting Braids : from Geometric Braids to Braid Groups (2012).

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